From my Kitchen: Choc-PB Banana Muffins
Earlier this month, a dear friend and her daughter brought these over while I was recovering from surgery. It’s official, these are a new favorite in our house… gluten free, dairy free (if using dairy free chocolate chips), and so easy to throw together.

Nurturing Resilience and Mental Toughness Through Community
Eight years ago, I stumbled into what I thought was just another gym and that stumble changed my life. What I quickly realized was that SEALFIT, located in Encinitas, CA, was more than a CrossFit gym. it was a community, a family, a tribe.

From my Kitchen: Weekday Green Smoothie
There is something magical about starting the day with greens. In our home, this smoothie is part of our morning routine that invites in a little bit of that magic to kick off each day.

From my Kitchen: Something Sweet (Protein Bites)
I love to spend time in the kitchen modifying and coming up with new recipes. Some creations turn out great, some… not so much. These protein bites will not disappoint! They’re a great substitute for your favorite snack or protein/granola bar and they’re tasty too.

Shifting out of Autopilot and into Life - Getting Clear About What Matters Most
Last month I took one of those classic and oh-so-awkward skiing tumbles — you know, the kind where it’s hard to distinguish between limbs, poles, skis, and snow? That was me, in a blundering mess, on the side of a mountain.